Experienced freight forwarding companies like Barrington Freight can be worth their weight in gold when it comes to organising both imports and exports. If your business is involved with either, then there are usually some tell-tale signs that turning to us to help you could be one of the best business decisions you ever make. What are they and why would Barrington Freight be your ideal freight forwarding provider?
1. Customer Complaints
If you import goods that are shipped to your clients, then delays will often lead to complaints. Consult your customer service team. If they are handling more and more calls from dissatisfied customers who have yet to receive their orders, then it is a sure sign that it is problems in your supply chain that are causing the issue, especially if you ship orders directly from your suppliers to your clients. Ask Barrington Freight how we can help to get your orders through customs on time every time.
2. Overspend On Bureaucracy
Handling imports and exports requires bureaucratic know-how. If you are spending a fortune training staff or recruiting the skills you need in-house, then it is time to consider outsourcing your freight work to experts instead. At Barrington Freight, we offer great value for money because of the economy of scale we can provide to businesses large and small.
3. Your Carbon Footprint Is Too High
Many enterprises are interested in their environmental credentials these days. You might focus on your use of energy and materials but remember that transportation comes with a relatively large carbon footprint, too. At Barrington Freight, we can help you to make better-informed decisions about shipments, thereby helping you to lower your carbon emissions, something more and more customers think about when choosing their suppliers. In short, we can help with your corporate and social responsibility commitments.
4. No Tracking
Knowing where your deliveries are when they are being transported means being able to improve your customer service. If your current system does not offer live tracking of consignments as they are making their way to your customers, then ask us how we can put such a process in place.
5. A One-Size-Fits-All Approach
Some businesses handle their imports and exports in the same way they have always done without reviewing their processes. This can lead to inefficiencies and a failure to fully comprehend modern developments in freight services. All too often, relying on antiquated processes means spending more than you really need to or spending more time than is truly required. If you haven’t overhauled your systems for some time, then talk to the experts at Barrington Freight about what we can do to improve your supply chain issues and overcome unnecessary delays to your deliveries.
6. Customs Problems
Some businesses accept too readily that customs officials will inevitably cause delays with imports and exports as they pass international borders. If your company falls into this category, then it is worth noting that you can do things much better. By improving your paperwork, making the right VAT and commodity declarations as well as keeping your records up to date, it becomes much less likely that you will see delays or even goods being impounded by customs officers. At Barrington Freight, we can take care of all of these issues.
Contact Barrington Freight today by contacting: 01268 525 444. Alternatively you can send an email to: info@barringtonfreight.co.uk