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road freight Import from Turkey

Cost-effective deliveries from Turkey and across the Globe

Barrington Freight can help forward your freight from Turkey to the UK promptly, so reach out to us if you want to send goods via express, full load, partial load, or groupage.

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Road Freight Imports From Turkey

Because Turkey sits in both Asia and Europe, it is a unique country to import goods from. Officially referred to as the Republic of Türkiye, Turkey has a big manufacturing base. It is often associated with the production of white goods and electrical appliances as well as many of the components that are used in them. In addition, the country produces automotive spare parts and has a strong car-making capacity in its own right. Other items that are frequently imported from Turkey to the UK include agricultural machinery, clothing and products used in the construction sector. Consequently, many British firms like to do business with Turkish manufacturers and wholesalers. If your company falls into that category, then Barrington Freight’s road freight solutions could be very beneficial to you.

For one thing, we offer a wide range of services when it comes to truck-based haulage from Turkey to the UK. If you are in urgent need of a consignment from your Turkish supplier, then we can arrange for direct transit from their premises to yours on the British mainland. Whether a single lorry or multiple lorries will be needed, such a service will involve crossing the Bosphorus – the narrow strait of water that connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean – at Istanbul. From there, drivers will typically enter the EU via Greece or neighbouring Bulgaria. To reach the English Channel, many routes are possible including those passing through Serbia, Hungary and Austria or Albania, Croatia and Italy.

We’ll pick the best way to get your shipment from Turkey to the UK and complete the onward journey to you once the goods have entered the country. Please note that more cost-effective options are available for less urgent orders. Importing from Turkey with a groupage shipment will mean your consignment is combined with others heading for the British Isles, allowing the driving and fuel costs of shipping by road to be shared. Just let us know if you’d like to find out more about our competitive groupage rates from Turkey.

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Customs Responsibilities

There are many more customs regulations post-Brexit. Be sure to get advice from your experienced customs representative to circumvent stops at the border.

Customs Clearances Covered

With imports from a non-EU state, like Turkey, that will pass in and out of the EU’s territory, you will need to make sure you are on top of your customs clearances. Many British importers don’t do this technical work in-house and rely on agents to complete their paperwork instead. Here at Barrington Freight, we can combine our freight forwarding work with experienced customs clearance brokers within the same operations team. This way, everything is handled in one place, saving money and offering better coordination.


Import Requirements

VAT and Duties

Customs will require freight from Turkey to the UK to pay duties and VAT, so always take advice from your freight forwarder and customs agent, plus be sure to discuss your VAT obligations with your accountant.

Why Choose Barrington Freight for Road Freight Imports From Turkey?

Whether you have a supplier in Ankara, Gaziantep or İzmir, our road haulage importation service will mean being able to receive your orders promptly and in good condition. We have many years of experience handling Turkish imports by road. Why not speak to our operations team or ask for a quotation for your next consignment from Türkiye so we can offer you more information about how this service works?

We are friendly, easy to work with, honest and we do not charge the earth.

If you think our services would suit your freight forwarding needs, contact us on 01268 525 444 or email

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Barrington Freight Ltd,
Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane, Basildon,
Essex SS14 3AX