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Customs Clearance Import to Harwich

Cost-effective imports to Harwich

If you are importing goods to the UK from overseas, then the chances are that you will benefit from a customs clearance agent.

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Custom Clearance Imports to Harwich

Unless you already possess the in-house knowledge to get items into the UK via Harwich without them being held up by customs officials, then hiring a customs clearance agency to help you will be a wise move. At Barrington Freight, we provide just these sorts of services in the port of Harwich, known officially these days as Harwich International Port.

Harwich is one of the biggest ports on the North Sea coast. As it has plenty of so-called Ro-Ro services on offer, it is a favoured port for many haulage companies who use it to get goods into the UK’s primary distribution hubs in the Midlands via the A14 trunk road. Many of these services connect the Essex coast to continental Europe. Harwich also has a ship-to-shore gantry crane service on offer which means it can also serve as a container port for handling general cargo. Consequently, customs clearance at the port could mean dealing with imports from the Far East as well as countries within the European Union.

Either way, importers without the necessary expertise in customs clearance procedures can fall foul of HMRC inspections that will either result in their goods being delayed on their way into the UK or being impounded.

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Customs Clearance at Harwich and Freight Forwarding Combined

The good news for importers that want to use routes into the UK via Harwich International Port is that Barrington Freight’s operations team has a wealth of professional experience to draw upon. Located in Essex, we are ideally placed to manage customs clearance work in Harwich. Indeed, because we are also a freight forwarding firm, we can operate as your customs clearance agent as well, taking care of all aspects of your consignment’s progress from the moment it leaves your supplier to the moment it arrives at your warehouse. Furthermore, our customs clearance work is also geared up to meet the needs of dropshipping businesses, whereby goods imported into the UK through Harwich will be forwarded directly to the customers who initially placed orders for them.

Why Ask Barrington Freight to Help With Importation Customs Clearance Work in Harwich?

At Barrington Freight, we have expertise with the sort of commodity codes, duties and VAT declarations you will need to make for your deliveries to pass through Harwich port without any unnecessary delays. As customs clearance agents, we will also make sure that payments for things like excise duty and VAT are organised in a timely fashion. As you should expect, we are accredited with the local customs authorities as well as the relevant border agencies to help your goods make progress into the UK from any location in the world. Furthermore, we will negotiate freight rates with carriers for you to ensure that your business is operating as cost-effectively as possible.

We are friendly, easy to work with, honest and we do not charge the earth.

If you would like to find out more about our customs clearance work in Harwich, then feel free to contact our operations team on 01268 525 444 or email

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Barrington Freight Ltd,
Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane, Basildon,
Essex SS14 3AX