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Customs Clearance Imports to Immingham

Cost-effective imports to Immingham

As one of the two major cargo docks on the Humber estuary, the Port of Immingham sees in the regions of 54 million tonnes of cargo passing through during a busy year, making it one of the UK’s most noteworthy sites for British importers.

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Customs Clearance Imports to Immingham

The port has multiple roll-on, roll-off berths so it can handle plenty of freight being imported to the UK from continental Europe – and elsewhere – via road haulage carriers. Any business that has arranged for goods it has purchased from overseas suppliers to enter the UK through Immingham will benefit from a professional customs clearance agency with knowledge of Immingham port acting on their behalf.

Thankfully, this is exactly the sort of experience and professional expertise that Barrington Freight can offer. We have all of the necessary licensing requirements with countries that export goods to the UK, including those in the European Union and the Far East. Not only does this allow us to undertake customs clearance work on behalf of British importers, but our licenses are subject to regular review, too. Some countries have stringent rules that need to be followed and without keeping up with the latest regulations, licenses can be revoked. Why risk getting your customs clearance work wrong and facing problems with future imports via Immingham or even falling foul of HMRC inspections of your consignments as they arrive in the UK?

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Customs Clearance Agents and Freight Forwarders Via Immingham Port

Arranging imports via the Port of Immingham is something the operations team at Barrington Freight is well-versed in. This means that we can handle all aspects of importing goods from overseas to the UK. Not only will we act as your freight forwarding company, but we will also serve as customs clearance agents on your behalf when your goods are checked by British customs officials. All imports now have to undergo HMRC paperwork checks and sometimes physical inspections of the goods themselves. This includes imports from EU member states nowadays since the UK left the single market.

At Barrington Freight, we can help to get your goods to Immingham in a cost-effective and timely manner as expert freight forwarders. After that, we will ensure your imports are not unduly delayed at the port because something is not in order with the importation paperwork. Our team has the experience to know the right commodity codes to use as well as how and when duties and VAT declarations ought to be made. Our organisational skill helps to keep supply chains flowing through the Port of Immingham. This is something that some British businesses without sufficient know-how in customs clearance find out to their cost adversely affects them.

We are friendly, easy to work with, honest and we do not charge the earth.

Because we work as both a freight forwarding firm and a customs clearance agency in Immingham, we can streamline both your shipping and your customs processes. Furthermore, because we offer our clients an economy of scale by outsourcing this specialist work to us, they will often find that overheads drop and greater business efficiency can be achieved. Why not call us right now to see how we can help?

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Barrington Freight Ltd,
Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane, Basildon,
Essex SS14 3AX