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Customs Clearance Imports to Edinburgh Airport

Cost-effective imports to Edinburgh Airport

At Barrington Freight, we offer top-class customs clearance services for any UK importer who chooses an air freight route via Edinburgh Airport (EDI).

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Customs Clearance Imports to Edinburgh Airport

Because it is located just a few miles from the centre of the Scottish capital and due to the fact that it enjoys good onward transportation links to the rest of the country as well as Northern England, it is an ideal choice for many firms shipping goods quickly to the UK from overseas. In a typical year, the airport will be responsible for handling about 20,000 tonnes of cargo, much of it accounted for from imports.

Good working knowledge of the airport at Edinburgh is essential for effective customs clearances. This is exactly what we can offer your business. At Barrington Freight, we have all the know-how required to be effective customs clearance agents so that HMRC is fully satisfied that your consignment can be approved for its onward journey. Whether you want us to arrange the necessary clearance so you can collect your delivery yourself or would also like us to plan the next stage of your delivery’s travel into the UK, we are here to help.

Of course, making your own customs clearance arrangements is possible, too, but this is something that is also fraught with business risk. Imports from Asia, North America and continental Europe all need the right sort of customs declarations, for example. Any finished goods or components that will be used for a commercial purpose – that is to say, not for personal use – will need to be imported by a properly registered firm. Your VAT registration will not be enough on its own. As such, we would recommend turning to our professional customs clearance agents who can advise on the best way forward, especially if you are new to using overseas suppliers or making imports via Edinburgh Airport.

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A Combination of Freight Forwarding and Customs Clearance Services

Please take note of the fact that Barrington Freight is not just a customs clearance agency that is well-versed in operational procedures in use at Edinburgh Airport. We also work as an established freight forwarding firm. Therefore, you can get the best of both worlds when you turn to us to help with your importation administration. We will negotiate with hauliers and air freight operators on your behalf, provide the necessary insurance for high-value items and also make sure you face no unnecessary stoppages because your customs declarations are not right.

By avoiding the need to resubmit customs paperwork, you will get your delivery sooner than would otherwise be the case, of course. In addition, our expertise in this area will help to keep HMRC happy, a good thing to know for any future imports you have planned.

We are friendly, easy to work with, honest and we do not charge the earth.

If you would like to find out more about why custom clearance work at Edinburgh Airport combined with professional freight forwarding services is so beneficial, then why not call us today? Our operations team will be only too pleased to explain how they can streamline your importation processes.

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Barrington Freight Ltd,
Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane, Basildon,
Essex SS14 3AX