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Customs Clearance Imports to Hull

Cost-effective imports to Hull

As proud members of the British International Freight Association, Barrington Freight is your ideal partner for customs clearance work through Hull.

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Customs Clearance Imports to Hull

Situated in the East Riding of Yorkshire, the Port of Hull has been one of the country’s most important and longest-established trading ports, operating for at least seven centuries and probably for longer than that. All sorts of goods are imported via the port by firms located throughout the UK. However, it is probably most associated with the importation of softwood and other timber goods among British importers.

Regardless of the sort of goods that are imported to the UK through the Port of Hull, they all have to undergo the same rigorous customs inspections and paperwork checks. This is the case for all goods arriving from the European Union since the UK departed from the EU’s customs union, of course. As such, obtaining a reliable customs clearance agent to ensure your goods are not delayed at the border can be a very sensible move. At Barrington Freight, we have extensive experience with a wide variety of commodity classes and importation documentation. If you are seeking a professional team of customs clearance agents with the know-how to ensure imports via Hull are not held up, then you could make no finer choice than to ask us to help you.

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First Class Freight Forwarding and Customs Clearance Imports Via Hull

It is worth underlining that, at Barrington Freight, we are not just customs clearance agents but a freight forwarding firm, too. If you turn to us, then you will be able to retain our professional services in both fields, helping to ensure your imports arrive in British waters without delays or excessive charges from shipping companies. Equally, when your goods have been brought ashore, our customs clearance work will be available to make sure that their onward journey to you or your customers is not unnecessarily slowed down.

If you make incorrect declarations on your importation paperwork with respect to something like a commodity code, for example, then it can cause problems with HMRC. Customs officials have the power to delay goods or even to impound them in certain cases. That’s why dealing with your VAT declarations and so on is so important to get it right the first time, even before the goods arrive at the Port of Hull. Many importers struggle to get their paperwork in order which is why turning to Barrington Freight can be so helpful. We do this sort of work every day of the week. As such, we have all the skills you will need to get the import documentation in good order the first time, every time.

We are friendly, easy to work with, honest and we do not charge the earth.

With so much experience and expertise to draw upon, Barrington Freight is the ideal firm to turn to for importation customs clearances in Hull. Whether you are importing a pallet of goods, a container or something much smaller, why not call us to see how we can help? Email us at or call our operations team on 01268 525 444.

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Barrington Freight Ltd,
Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane, Basildon,
Essex SS14 3AX